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Fashion Designer

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by Karly Grant 2021

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The Koas print that was developed by Karly for this collection through photography and collaging. 

Everyones life is not perfect, no matter the amount of effort people go to portray their life as the 'perfect dream' that everybody desires to have.The concept behind the collection ‘Kaos’ is to showcase that there is a level of chaos behind everything, no matter how perfect something seems to be. The nature behind these image is to show off the hidden side of people that society seems to look down upon, the chaotic uncontrollable side. These images and outfits are created to take the audience on a journey, the journey of under-covering that life isn’t perfect, but is fun, hectic, and out of our control. These photographs force the audience to be faced with undeniable truth of ‘Kaos’. 

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Karly Grant  -  Fashion Designer 

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